Friday, October 28, 2005

Science, Politics and Religion

Science, Politics and Religion are three interesting and explosive topics alone respectively. As a combination, these three can be very powerful or very controversial. There are many recent rumblings about how the U.S. might becoming anti-science, "Is the U.S. becoming anti Science?". Given, the climate of the last few years it seems that we in the U.S. are not embracing science whole heartedly. This Reuters UK "Is US becoming hostile to science?" article has some very good points about the Science in the U.S. It does not paint a very nice picture. CNN posted a similar article.

Other recent articles about our eroding science and technology leadership, "Broad Federal Effort Urgently Needed to Create New, High-Quality Jobs for All Americans in the 21st Century", are sounding alarms before this situation worsens.

As a high technology country, we must adapt and learn to balance science, religion, and politics. Every great civilization has managed to balance these pillars and survive the test of time. Hopefully, we will elevate above and become a greater civilization and do the same. At only only slightly over 229 years old, we are yet an infant as a country. As a scientifically inclined person who is enamored with technology, I think we will eventually learn to adapt and balance our science with everything else. Time will tell.

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