Friday, February 11, 2011

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Swype text input for Android of other screens

Swype is an touchscreen input system designed for Android and other devices that takes flat screen text input proctivity to a new level. See this video. Swype has been showing up on many Android smartphones lately.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

SunTactics PC5 USB Power supply and very fast charger

The SunTactics PC5 device is a compact solar USB power supply that actually provides enough 5V USB power to run your iPod, Android, or other 5V USB devices. It also will charge your devices in the same amount of time as plugging into standard AC power source. It just went onsale in Jan 2011 for around $129. This is a move in the right direction instead of solar trickle chargers and other devices which have an on-board battery. Here is more details on the PC5.