Thursday, December 31, 2009

VMware ThinApp

For deployment of Windows applications, VMware has a product called ThinApp (Wikipedia) which is an application virtualization and portable application creator suite by VMware that can package conventional applications so that they become portable applications. These thin apps virtualize the entire underlying Windows registry and device driver stack so that you can package and deploy portable applications on any type of storage device (i.e., USB drive, flash drive, etc...) Check it VMware Thinapp. Sounds promising... this is something to research in 2010.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Whole House Lithium-ion Battery

A new Lithium-Ion Battery to Power Up a House in 2011 for up to 1-week was announced by Panasonic. So why not sooner in 2011? It seems that all these new alternative energy announcements and products are always 2-years away. They appear to be a carrot on the stick. I recall that 2-years ago that in 2009 we would be able to purchase electric cars and plug-in hybrids. Now, this is still 2-years away. Huh?

Sunday, December 06, 2009

MaxFlight FS2000

I went to a X-Mas party at VASC and got to enjoy the MaxFlight FS2000 simulator. All I can say is, "I gotta have on of these!". Incredible! This is what gaming should evolve into in about 10-20 years from now.