Friday, November 27, 2009

Tips on getting Hulu working on PS3

Hulu blocks video streaming the PS3 for whatever reason. Here is a tip that allows you to setup a DNS proxy that re-enables Hulu on PS3. Hulu and PS3. This tip is not really for those who are novices with networking. Otherwise, just try

Netflix on PS3 rocks!

In early November 2009 Netflix released its PS3 disc. The implementation and quality is the bet I have seen for any streaming video on any platform. I just totally rocks and the user interface is very intuitive. I have not seen any buffering or hiccups on the PS3 like I do on Windows or the Mac. I am impressed... oh yeah, and all this is happening over an 802.11g WiFi connection.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

NASA Finds Water on the Moon

The LCROSS experiment last month (Oct2009) found lots of water on the Moon. This article from USAToday, NASA: Water found in moon crater, has a good graphic showing the mission.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Vatican Seeks Signs of Alien Life

The Vatican is seeking signs of alien life. See this article. This is a long way from the days of Galileo who was tried as a herectic and Darwin who was ridiculed for theory of evolution.