Sunday, July 30, 2006

First Petaflop Supercomputer

Japan is ready to unleash the world's first petaflop supercomputer. I just saw this on Slashdot posting which references the news release here.
This was all done with a $9million investment and approx a 4,000 processor system. Whoa! There may be some breakthroughs with this machine.

First Flying Car Accepting Pre-Orders

Well, at least I can say that you can now pre-order your own flying car. This is as per reported in this i4u article, "Get Ready For the Flying Car, Courtesy of Terrafugia". They plan on delivering these in 2009 so you have 3-years for planning purposes. You will need a pilot's license to fly.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Honda Fuel Efficient MicroJet Aircraft and Engines

Honda has been working on their jet aircraft engines for a while now. It just announced a jet engine in partnership with GE. Honda has been very hush about its plans but here are some facts and news from Honda.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser

The Mobile Tactical High Energy Laser (MTHEL) is a future weapons system that is designed to shoot down rockets and mortars to protect troops. Given current events, this system will definitely give our troops an edge in the battlefield. The conceptual pictures of it are pretty cool also.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Nanotube Supercapacitor Battery

What ever happened to all the breakthroughs in battery technology? Well, here is yet another nanotube based battery technology that may spell the end of the battery as we know it. "MIT research may spell end for the battery Supercapacitor could make electric car viable". The article states that in 5-10 years we may see these types of products.