Wednesday, November 23, 2005

XBox 360 stability

I've been watching the XBox 360 release like everyone else this week. Well, I just saw some reports that it may have some stability issues based on reports at Slashdot. Xbox 360 Very Unstable. I don't plan on getting an XBox 360 because I have an investment in Playstation 1, 2, and PSP. I never got into the XBox for the same reason.

I don't consider myself a die hard gamer, however I do play games when I get a chance. Personally, I like the portability of the Sony PSP and what it represents more than consoles. Anyway, just thought I'd mention that XBox 360 may have a few programming glitches that would tick me off if I was a gamer.

I have had my PSP since launch day and do not really have any complaints about stability. I can generally say the same for my Playstation 1 and Playstation 2 consoles. I think stability in a gaming platform is expected today. I have watched my 5-year old son look bewildered and frustrated when a game he is playing on his GameCube go south for some reason. You expect your car to just work all the time. Same as your refrigerator. Having your car be unreliable or your refrigerator breakdown causes much frustration.

I'll keep an eye on this to see how the XBox 360 stability affects its success. If it is anything like Microsoft Windows, then most gamers will probably just accept the instability as a feature. I think Microsoft marketing will convince the general public that an unstable platform is acceptable.

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