Thursday, November 24, 2005

More Innovative uses of PSP (iTunes remote, TivoToGo)

I think the PSP as a platform is starting to take off. Some innovative uses are appearing for the Sony PSP other than a portable game, music, and movie player. I have been using my PSP as a portable internet tablet when I do not want to be next to my notebook or desktop computers. Here are some innovative other uses which make the PSP an even more appealing digital device. CoverBuddy makes your PSP a remote to your iTunes over a WiFi connection. "CoverBuddy Makes PSP Worth Something".

Just earlier this week, Tivo announced support of the iPod and PSP for its TivoToGo technology. "TivoToGo for iPods and PSPs". This will allow you to download Tivo captured video onto your PSP for mobile viewing. They will support the iPod and PSP. The PSP in my opinion is much better for this because of its larger and higher resolution screen. This sounds like a complement to Sony's LocationFree technology which is equally impressive.

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