Thursday, December 29, 2011

Solar JOOS Orange

While online researching solar power as I have been doing a lot this year, I found another gadget that looks very interesting called the Solar JOOS Orange.  It uses mono-crystalline panels, is waterproof by design (components are encapsulated in urethane), and  contains a user replaceable 24 Wh/5400mAh lithium-ion polymer battery that can be charged in about 12 hours from built-in solar panel or 8 hours from USB according to Why Its the Best page.  The JOOS Orange is a solar panel and power storage system in a an all in one design.  Looks very impressive and cool.  Hmmm...

It even has a a web site and apps (iOS, Android, Windows, Mac) for monitoring and tracking performance and your usage.  This is impressive.


imtheone said...

Good to see you have plenty of time with your kids now.

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