Saturday, October 15, 2005

What is Sony LocationFree Technology

After updating my Sony PSP with the latest 2.50 firmware last night, I was curious about the LocationFree Player that is now included. Doing more research I found out that this is Sony's digital hub for portable multimedia entertainment devices that was released this year. Here's the 09/08/2005 CEDIA press release, SONY UNLEASHES PORTABLE ENTERTAINMENT WITH NEW LOCATIONFREE PRODUCTS, that provides a decent overview of what LocationFree is. I am impressed. Here is the original LocationFree concept press release from the JAN2004 CES show.

LocationFree Player Pak which lists for $350 in the US, contains the base station and software to allow your PC to work as a LocationFree Player. I am not sure if it works with Linux and Mac. I am still researching this.

Some of the really cool features of the LocationFree base station:

  • Integrated dynamic DNS so external DNS is not required.

  • Access all your content from anywhere on the internet.

  • Remote control over WLAN or internet

  • Works with PSP, PCs, and LocationFree 12" LCD TV.

  • Uses MPEG4 compression.

This is something to watch in the next year. If Sony gets this right with the PSP and Playstation 3, then looks like they may be back on top of the innovation curve for consumer electronics and cool gadgets.

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